Chicago Winter Predictions 2023-2024

30 May 2024

Written by: Great Lakes Snow

Knowing the winter predictions for your area is the best way to prepare for what might come. And that includes snow removal for your business. So let’s dive in and take a look at the Chicago winter prediction for the 2023-2024 winter season. The Old Farmer’s Almanac has been making predictions since 1792, so that’s what we’ll be using along with what AccuWeather has to say.

An aerial view of a city covered in snow just as it was predicted for Chicago

Illinois Winter 2023–2024 Predictions from the Old Farmer’s Almanac

The 2023-2024 winter season is being driven by an El Niño. This season's El Niño is predicted to gradually strengthen into the winter. What is an El Niño, you might ask? Well, an El Niño is a natural climate occurrence that develops because of warmer than average sea surface temperatures. El Niños will usually (but not always) result in wetter and warmer than average conditions. However, it’s predicted to be colder than normal this year.

So as you would suspect based on that information, the 2023-2024 winter season is predicted to have slightly above-average precipitation and snowfall, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. The snowiest times are expected to occur anywhere from late December to early to mid-January.

Why Wait? The Weather Won't!

Chicago, IL Winter 2023–2024 Predictions from the Old Farmer’s Almanac

Get ready! The Chicago winter prediction for the 2023-2024 season is that it will be colder than normal. You can expect the coldest times to be in early and late December, early and late January, and early February. No surprises there!

What Does AccuWeather Predict for the 2023-2024 Chicago Winter Season?

Oddly enough, AccuWeather is predicting anywhere from 20 to 30 inches of snowfall for the 2023-2024 winter season for both Chicago and the entire State of Illinois. This is well below the historical snowfall average for Illinois, which is 38.4 inches.

But how does this winter season compare to last year’s winter season?

Let’s take a look.

Farmer’s Almanac Winter Forecast Illinois 2022-2023

The Farmer’s Almanac had predicted unseasonably cold and snowy for the Illinois 2022-2023 winter season. However, the 2022-2023 Illinois winter snowfall was only 20.2 inches, which is about what Accuweather is predicting for this year. However, the El Niño cycle could easily change all that. So be ready for anything!

The moral of the story is that you need to proactively prepare for whatever this winter season holds. And that includes how you are going to handle the snow removal for your business!

Always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!

And if you think we won’t get slammed this year…look back at years past. Bet they didn’t think they would get slammed either. But guess what…

3 Worst Snowstorms in Chicago History

Here are the three worst snowstorms in Chicago’s history.

1. The Great Blizzard of 1967 (January 26-27, 1967)

This storm brought heavy snowfall and strong winds, causing widespread disruptions throughout the city. The storm dumped a whopping 23 inches of snow on the city at one time. And as you can imagine, this led to transportation chaos and several days of cleanup.

2. Groundhog Day Blizzard (January 31-February 2, 2011)

This storm affected a large portion of the central United States, including Chicago. The city experienced more than 20 inches of snow. There was a combination of heavy snow and strong winds creating unbelievable snow drifts while halting all transportation.

3. Super Bowl Blizzard (January 31-February 2, 2013)

Even if you aren’t a football fan, you probably remember this one because it was shown on the news over and over again. This storm brought heavy snowfall and caused significant disruptions all across the Chicago area.

Do You Need a Professional Snow and Ice Removal Company?

Using a professional snow and ice removal company provides you with numerous benefits including a dependable and highly trained team, advanced snow removal equipment and supplies, compliance with Illinois laws, reduced liability from slip and falls, and so much more!

Contact Great Lakes Snow Today for a FREE Snow Removal Quote!

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