Dangers of Snow Piles

1 August 2022

When was the last time you thought about that pile of snow on your property? Yesterday, today, NEVER? Telling a judge you didn’t know snow piles were dangerous isn’t going to help you win a lawsuit in court for not adhering to the Illinois Snow & Ice Removal Act. So let’s take a look at the dangers of snow piles and what you can do to make sure that liability doesn’t land you in court, or worse, someone getting hurt.

How Do Snow Piles Form?

Snow piles can occur naturally when the wind blows snow into the corners of a building or up against some other obstruction. However, the most common cause of snow piles is when snow plows push the snow from the road or driveway into a pile. Sounds innocent enough…right? Nope! Keep reading to learn the dangers of snow piles.

Snow pile in parking lot near Elgin, IL

Why Wait? The Weather Won't!

Why Are Snow Piles Dangerous?

Most people don’t think about snow piles being dangerous. Heck, many kids grow up playing in and around those snow piles, which are great fun from a kid’s point of view. But therein lies just one of the dangers of snow piles. There are plenty of other hidden dangers that come from rogue snow piles that are left without any thought being given to the consequences of them being left there.

Four Potential Dangers of Snow Piles

Here are some of the potential dangers of snow piles.

1. Kids and Collapsing Snow Piles/Forts

Snow piles seem like great fun to kids, but snow piles can ultimately be a death trap. This is because kids love to build forts and other fun stuff with piles of snow. However, snow piles often contain pockets of air or soft areas that cause the snow pile to implode. Collapsed snow piles can trap and suffocate kids and can cause hypothermia if they survive.

Another problem with snow piles is that they are near roadways. Kids generally don’t pay attention to traffic while playing in or around a snow pile. Additionally, snowplows can’t always see the kids playing inside a snow pile/fort. So when they plow the snow, it can cover or collapse on kids playing in them or cause them injury when the snow plow attempts to move a pile.

2. Tumbling Snow Piles

Snow piles that are too high can easily injure someone walking by. Snow piles frequently collapse, and the weight of the snow can cause serious injury.

3. Snow Pile Placement Dangers

Plowed snow that has been piled in the wrong places can cause hazards as well. Snow piles should be placed away from stop signs, driveway aprons, fire hydrants, street corners, and handicap-accessible spots. Additionally, snow piles should never be placed at the entry and exit points of any building as this could cause a problem for emergency vehicles and EMS providers if that need arises.

4. Melting and Refreezing Snow Piles

Snow piles frequently begin to melt during the day, but then later refreeze due to dropping temperatures or when the sun goes down, creating dangerously icy conditions. Snow piles should always be placed near a drain or in a designated area away from the flow of people or vehicles.

How to Avoid Snow Pile Liabilities

To help avoid snow pile liabilities, hire a professional snow removal service that has been trained to avoid the creation of unsafe conditions. Using a professional snow removal service that offers snow hauling and relocation services is the best way to avoid potential liabilities and create a safer environment for your customers and employees.

What Does Great Lakes Snow Do to Limit Risks From Snow Piles?

Great Lakes Snow uses snow specific equipment, which Include wheel loaders, skid steers, and tractors. Using equipment versus pickup trucks allows our operators to have a better field of view and see if children are playing around piles. They also have ability to move snow to specific locations on your lot.

In addition, the loader can stack snow higher and can move snow with buckets to less commonly used areas on your property. This allows customers to save and limit hauling expenses. This is just another way that Great Lakes Snow provides value to our clients.

What’s Next?

Read our top 10 snow removal tips for commercial properties!

If you need professional snow removal services in Chicagoland, request a quote today. We are certified snow and ice professionals (SMIA) providing reliable cost-effective services that will help protect your commercial or retail property and everyone that visits. 

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